Masjidil Haram

Masjidil Haram

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

Main Idea of Hidayatullah

Written by Admin
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
“By refering Prophet Muhammad SAW’s steps, we sure that first-5-reveled surah of al-Quran started by Iqra’ is the right path to build genuine Islamic civilization in modern world.”

The arguments:
1. Al-‘Alaq (1-5) introducing the existence of God and humans as God’s creation. This means that human life –by iqra’ processes-- must be under God authority, the Creator.
2. Al-Qalam (1-7) ensure that human life will not be ‘crazy’ (read: succesfully) by Qur’an way, the book which God Himself directing.
3. Al-Muzzammil (1-10) order us to do night praying (tahajjud) and performing good attitude (akhlaqul-karimah i.e patienceness, dzikr, Quran studying, tawakkal, etc as standard characters for a future-leader).
4. Al-Muddatstsir (1-7) encourage us to care with others and warn them (about nobling God and leaving dirties).
5. Al-Fatihah is a complete concept about ideal civilization: full with mercifull, happily, praying God, and good-life in right way. Then, the complete al-Quran is the explanation of al-Fatihah as ‘the abstraction’ of al-Quran (ummul-Quran).

Hidayatullah mentions this formula as ‘Sistematika Nuzulnya Wahyu (SNW)’ or ‘Revelation Sequenced System (RSS)’, that should be implemented in daily life.

Implementation method of the idea

In concern to build Islamic civilization we need full commitment, taking risk, devotion, and readiness to construct a real jamaah under a strong authority of Imam as the leader of the organization. Only well organized communities with good deed personalitymen have possibility to win the (global) competitions.

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